domingo, 24 de outubro de 2010


The very first time we met
You gave me a long glance
Three frozen seconds in air
Like a silent, calm dance

And then you gave me your number
The perfect key to a future treasure
As days passed by, you kept giving me gifts
But those i cannot measure

You gave me your touch
You gave me so much
Your comprehension
Hot coffees and sweet teas

And now I wanna give you this
My song, my rhythm
I wanna give you me

So from now on
that's how it's gonna be
A true exchange between you and me
And it's all arranged
I'll be yours, you'll be mine
we are truly exchanged and it feels so fine.


(Razão do texto: durante a noite me veio uma palavra (o título), no caminho de volta pra casa me veio uma idéia (a última estrofe) e depois disso baixou uma cafonice à la jason m'raz. E nem tenho vergonha disso)

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